Saturday, May 13, 2023

Late Slip

It is 15:13 BST as I start to type up this post you're reading.

This is one of those moments when I realise I haven't posted anything today and will just write anything to ensure that I have something written down to extend my streak of continuous posts (don't ask me to count how many days it has been. We're talking years here!).

The main reason why I haven't been at my PC until now is because of a certain game that came in yesterday's mail.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is very addictive.

I am crap at it, though!

I spent most of this morning trying to find a bunch of shrines. I have only managed to find one. So far.

There will be another Zelda post sometime next week when I show you all the goodies I had with the pre-order.

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