Thursday, November 21, 2024

Two Jags

I spent a few minutes of yesterday reading about Jaguar's rebrand and the controversy it has caused.

One of the last things I saw before I switched off my computer was an image of the previous Jaguar logo side-by-side with the new one. To be honest, I prefer the old one. But I'm not a Jaguar customer. And I doubt I ever will be, anyway.

But, that's not the full story of today.

When I logged onto TAFKA Twitter this morning, I noticed 'Two Jags' was trending. I immediately assumed people were still discussing the rebrand and moved on.

And then I found out that former deputy prime minister of the UK, John Prescott, had passed away and it all made sense.

'Two Jags' was trending because that was Prescott's nickname. It refers to it being disclosed, many years ago, that he owned two Jags - one for home and one for when he was working in London.

Two Jabs

There was also a time, in 2001, when Prescott was egged by a protestor. Prescott retaliated with his fists. This resulted in the Press referring to the deputy as 'Two Jabs'.

It's quite ironic to see Prescott pass at a time when Jaguar is in the news. I've said it before, I'll say it again: it's a funny old world.

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