Saturday, November 11, 2023

That Old Chestnut (Again!)

I'm going out on a limb here.

I suspect the weather in Australia isn't stormy and is doing well instead.

Why did I reach that conclusion? Because I have noticed there haven't been stories leaked to the media about I'm a Celebrity bosses being concerned about the weather leading up to the new season.

As I wrote last year, there is a ALWAYS a story - or stories - of some sort teasing that an upcoming season is in jeopardy.

This year's story was published yesterday on the Mirror website. It claims that there is a gunman on the loose ten minutes away from where the camp will be filmed.

I'm a Celebrity Story 2023

I swear I have deja vu because, in the back of my mind, I am sure they've done this angle before. However, I have tried to look back at old articles, but cannot find anything.

The bottom line is this - if they were really concerned, the show would have been postponed.

I closed last year's post by saying you can bank on these jeopardy stories popping up every year. I'll repeat it again:

You keep a look out for it next year. And all the years beyond for that matter

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