Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Doctors To End

I have just been told by a friend of mine that the BBC is set to scrap its daytime soap opera - Doctors - in 2024.

Doctors used to be on a lot in the mid-to-late 2000s when I would babysit my nephew before he started nursery.

I wasn't really a fan of it. It was simply on in the background.

To be frank, the programme has - without a shadow of a doubt - passed its sell by date. The Doctors we see on the TV is not what we actually read about or experience in real-life.

In Soap Land, people get appointments there and then. In the real world, they have to phone up at 8AM when the practice opens, wait on hold for ages and then have an obnoxious receptionist tell you they're overbooked and to try again another time.

Doctors is no longer a reflection of today.

Has it ever been?

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