Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Richardson's Rookie Season 'Probably' Done

It has been six days since I wrote a post focusing on my concerns about the Indianapolis Colts' quarterback - Anthony Richardson following his recent shoulder injury.

Since that time, the news appears to have gotten worse.


According to the team's owner - Jim Irsay - it looks likely that Richardson's season is over.

Irsay relayed the news yesterday by stating that the fourth overall pick in the 2023 NFL Draft is likely to go under the knife to correct the issue.

As I mentioned last week, I watched a video on TAFKA Twitter which pointed out that Richardson has a history of problems in that area of his shoulder. That lead to me questioning whether Richardson is the long-term solution for a franchise that has been reeling since the retirement of Andrew Luck in 2019.

I obviously hope this turns out to be an early blip, but cannot shake off the feeling those who drafted the quarterback made a gamble that will not pay off.

Buyer beware. 

And all that.

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