Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Bruce Lee Limited Edition Boxset Going For Crazy Money

 It looks like the limited edition Bruce Lee 4K box set I wrote about last week has now sold out on the Arrow Films website.

The set was a special box only available from the aforementioned site. 

Bruce Lee 4K Boxset

I've taken a look on eBay and - lo and behold - I've found people selling copies off for crazy money. For example, one seller has the £120 collection priced up at a scandalous £249.99. It has fifteen watcher as of the time of writing this post, so there seems to be a demand.

A regular auction, which will close in a little over a day, currently has nine bids which the top bidder currently set to pay out £142. 

With all that said, the regular edition of the set - with a different box - is still available on Amazon as of the time of writing.

Visit Amazon's UK Website for Bruce Lee 

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