Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Scrooge Confusion

I woke up this morning, checked out Twitter (I refuse to call it X) and came across a TWEET (what does Elon Musk want us to call tweets nowadays?) from Talking Pictures TV.

The channel's account stated that Scrooge (1935) was set to be on today at 8:25am. 

'Great,' I thought. I can record that and watch it for the Diet of Christmas Films post for this year's Christmas Day.

I immediately logged into my cable service's app and scheduled the film to record.

Talking Pictures TV Tweet

The plan was to watch the film in a few months from now.  But - something struck me.

I've already watched it!

I performed a search on the Blogger interface and realised I had watched it for Christmas Day 2020.

On one hand, this is a sign that my memory is failing me. On the other - there may be far too many Christmas Carol films out there!

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