Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ringo's Peace & Love

I laughed when I saw the clip from Ringo Starr's website in which he urged his fans not to send any fan mail from October 20th.

I wasn't laughing at his insistence that his order was being given with 'peace and love' - I found humour thinking back to the episode of The Simpsons that Starr appeared in way back in the early 1990s and how it should have been used as a witty reason why he needs to have a cut-off point from receiving post.

In the episode in question, Ringo Starr replies to a letter a young Marge Simpson had sent over twenty years earlier.

The guy has tons and tons of mail waiting to be opened and - at the age of sixty-one - I doubt he will be able to catch up with the twenty year backlog that the writers used to explain why he took so long to reply to Marge.

It's the sort of joke you would find on a chat show or end of a news programme - I'm surprised nobody picked up on it.

Is The Simpsons still a symbol of pop culture? But, most importantly, is Ringo Starr?

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