Sunday, October 27, 2024

More About The Over

It looks like I may have wrote too soon, when it comes to betting the Over in the Buffalo and Seattle game that will be played today.

In Thursday's post, I pointed out that both my spreadsheet and database liked a play on Over 47 points in the game because the spreadsheet projected a total of fifty-one points. As for the database - well, it pointed to a 100% record - in favour of the Over - dating back to the 1995 with ten of the meetings between the two teams going beyond the bookie's line.

As of this afternoon, the line is a shorter forty-five. The low number can be attributed to some key injuries on both teams. The weather could also be a factor because it's raining in Seattle.

I have just seen the NFL Network project a total of forty-eight points. However, I have also seen a few publications side with the Under.

The game kicks off at 20:05 GMT. It's squeaky bum time indeed.

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