Sunday, July 21, 2024

Ringside Gamble By S.J. Clarke

While browsing through the list of books I could read from the NetGalley website a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon one titled 'Ringside Gamble'. 

Curiosity got the better of me. I clicked on the book's page and read that the story was about a Muay Thai boxer - Nong - on the rise in his chosen profession but the ascent comes with hurdles of corruption in his sport.

A book about combat sport with gambling featured in some sort? Of course I was going to read it!

I'll have to be straight up - I found Ringside Gamble a struggle. It seemed the author - S.J. Clarke - was too descriptive by adding scenes in the novel which, I felt, didn't need to be there. It came across - to me - that there was a poor editing job done. 

Ringside Gamble

With that said, Clarke's use of mashing everything together to tell the story about Nong could be seen as a tool to educate people about Thai culture. One of the most predominant things in the story is the influence of spirit animals on the main characters.

I enjoyed almost all of the scenes which involved the animals. The only time I felt it went a bit too far was near the end when one of the baddies (a corrupt gangster) was punished by one of the imaginary animals in the story. As soon as I read how the gangster fell to the animal, I felt annoyed because - for a few pages - I felt the punishment he received did not fit the crime. However, later in the novel, reasoning was given for why the animal chose the course of action against the bad guy.

The parts in the novel which explain Nong's fights were very descriptive and perfect. That - for sure - was a plus.

I struggle to agree with the 'advanced praise' for Ringside Gamble from Book Authority which states that the title is 'highly recommended for readers of all ages'. I would not suggest this book be read to, or by, young children because of the use of occasional curse words.

I also find it difficult to reason how - of the thirteen ratings this book has received on Amazon (as of July 21 2025) - all have rated it five stars. 

Unless I'm missing something: I'm afraid Ringside Gamble is close to middle of the road as far as I'm concerned.


Thank you to NetGalley and Literally PR LTD for allowing me to read Ringside Gamble in exchange for an honest review

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