Tuesday, January 30, 2024

CM Punk Injured, Out Of WrestleMania XL

I haven't watched all of last night's WWE Raw. Yet. What I have been able to view is the segment where CM Punk confirmed he had torn his triceps muscle during Saturday's Royal Rumble match.

The injury means the returning star will not make it to the main event of WrestleMania XL.

CM Punk Injured

It was highly likely Punk would be in the final match of night one of this year's Mania. Instead, he is facing surgery and a road to recovery.

I feel quite bad for him. 

Punk has had a laundry list of injuries the past few years. He had a similar injury during his stint in All Elite Wrestling.

His promo last night emphasised that 'there's always next year'. And there always is. I hope he finds his place back in the hunt for a main event spot for XLI. 

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