It has been fifteen years ago today since my uncle passed away.
Since starting this blog in 2006, I've always kept this date free to write a few words about him.
Last year, I wrote about how he had bought me the video game Rampage for the Commodore 64 one Christmas and noted that Dwayne Johnson was filming a movie based on the game. Funnily enough, I also mentioned that my uncle also bought me a game about a skyscraper on fire - Firetrap - along with Rampage so it came as a a surprise to see that Johnson's latest movie, which was advertised during the Super Bowl, involves him running along a burning Skyscraper! The film isn't based on Firetrap, but I thought it was a a cool coincidence to mention today.
I really wanted to do the Rampage tie-in last year. This forced me to move back something else I wanted to write about. In a way, it kind of worked out well because certain things I wanted to remark in 2017 happened again - numerous times - in the past year.
One of the last conversations I had with my uncle was about his businesses. He told me a story that I've kept to myself since that day, but it has often passed my conscious thoughts whenever I've had to deal with the businesses I have dealt with over the past five years.
There have been many, many things that I have had to do where - in the back of my mind - I've wondered to myself how my uncle would have handled certain situations if he was in my position.
It bugs me sometimes knowing that I cannot ask anybody else for advice, so I find myself doing what I think he would have done.
I like to believe I'm doing okay with this approach!
Fifteen years.. it sometimes seems like only yesterday...
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