Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Brain Damage

There was a shimmer of light passed upon the question of why Chris Benoit did what he did when results of research into his brain were released at a press conference today.

Michael Benoit, father to the wrestler, also appeared on a Morning television news channel and relayed the findings from the head of neurosurgery at West Virginia University.

Dr. Julian Bailes noticed that Benoit's brain had excessive damage and resembled that of an eighty-five year old Alzheimer's sufferer. The stress on the brain is believed to have been the result of numerous concussions the wrestler suffered during his twenty-plus year career.

I'm not sure what the next step will be in this situation. I was under the impression that the brain had decomposed too much in the hours after he had killed himself that no research was going to be carried out on the organ.

If this revelation is being made in regard to a fight over the estate of Chris Benoit then I think it could and will be contested in court by the family of Nancy Benoit.

There could potentially be a lawsuit aimed at the WWE for negligence. Michael Benoit hinted at it in today's press conference when he said something to the effect of wishing his son had worked for a company that had taken care of its employees.

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