Friday, October 27, 2023

It's Squeak Day

Look what day it is today.

National Black Cat Day

According to the Garbage Pail Kids 2023 Calendar, it's National Black Cat Day.

I, of course, thought it was spectacular to see what is being celebrated today because I am an owner of a black cat.

As soon as I saw the page, I turned to Squeak and wished him a happy National Black Cat Day.

He's currently sitting on the armchair in front of me as I type up this post.

I surmise it's no coincidence that National Black Cat Day is this close to Halloween. To assist this opinion, I'd like to draw your attention to the day which was celebrated yesterday.

National Pumpkin Day

I'm sure the entire run up to October 31st will consist of celebrations that relate to Halloween time.

I could have a sly look on the calendar, but I don't want any spoilers!

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