Monday, September 25, 2023

I Now Own A 12 Pays Of Christmas Scratchcard: 2023 Edition

On September 6th, I noted that the National Lottery had added this year's edition of its Advent scratch card to the list of cards available on its website.

I predicted it would be approximately two weeks before I'd find them in the shops near me.

Well, my guess turned out to be correct. And on the nose, if we're going by the day I made my prediction.

12 Pays of Christmas (2023)

As you can see, I now own a card ready for the festive period.

It was purchased from my local Sainsbury's store on Wednesday, which was exactly a fortnight from when I wrote about the cards being listed on the Lotto website.

As per usual, this card has now been pinned to my door. I'll scratch off a window each day in December and will then share with you its results in the days following Christmas.

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