Wednesday, September 06, 2023

12 Pays Of Christmas 2023 On Their Way

The National Lottery's Christmas scratch cards are on their way to shops (if they aren't there already!).

Earlier this week, I noticed that the Lotto website has the 2023 edition of the 12 Pays of Christmas card in its list of available games.

What I have found is - once they appear on this list, I find them in shops within a fortnight. That is from my own experience. They could very well be at your local shop right now.

12 Pays of Christmas 2023

Just like last year, the card will give away £100,000 a month for one year to each of the four lucky winners.

I'll obviously be on the hunt for them over the coming days and weeks. Once I get one, I'll share the photo of it and then play it each day during Advent.

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