Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Night After SummerSlam

I've just finished watching last night's episode of WWE Raw and thought they did a decent job moving things forward after SummerSlam.

It seems to me that the WWE title will be on the line in a feud between Alberto Del Rio and John Cena. These two had been set to face-off against each other way back to earlier this year when the plan was for them to headline the main event of SummerSlam. They'll just be going all the way through the late Summer and Autumn instead.

As for CM Punk - it's looking likely he is going to end up in a program with Kevin Nash with Triple H being a large part of it.

They explained Kevin Nash's appearance at SummerSlam as him receiving tickets from Hunter and then - while at the show - getting a text message from Triple H telling him to beat up whoever wins the match. Hunter is sort of denying this happened and it's leading me to believe that Stephanie McMahon was the one who sent the text message by using her husband's phone.

If that is the case, it will mean Stephanie McMahon has piggybacked her way into another main angle. I'm not sure if I am down with that because past history indicates the angle will get tired and old fast.

I guess we'll all just have to see how it plays out. It's interesting so far, though.

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