Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Rumble Finish

I was playing in a 30 seat sit and go tournament this evening along with Miguel on Bet365 Poker.

We weren't playing at the same table so were speaking to each other on our phones. Then, of course, we ended up sitting next to each other...

For all of a few minutes.

He ended up getting knocked out by another player.

Later in the game I disposed of Miguel's newfound foe in an act of vengeance and this resulted in me taking the lead.

Eventually, it came down to three of us and it looked like the other two players were in cahoots. It just seemed dodgy. I looked at the profiles of the two players and one was from Norwich and the other from Ipswich. I became suspicious.

I decided to egg them on a bit by remarking that it was the first time I had seen Ipswich and Norwich fans getting along so well.

It reminded me of the finish to the Royal Rumble matches of old when there would be two bad guys (heels) putting their rivalry aside in order to try and knock out the babyface. Eventually one of the bad guys slips up and is eliminated leaving the good guy with the remaining heel.

The Norwich fan made the slip up going all-in when I was holding four of a kind. The Ipswich player held on a little bit longer but he ended up losing to my straight.

I made $30 for the win but the main event title shot at Wrestlemania would have been more rewarding!

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