Friday, January 17, 2025

Thoughts About 2 Celebrity Deaths In A Week Full Of Celebrity Deaths

It seems that this has been a week full of celebrity deaths.

Yesterday evening, I found out about Bob Uecker and David Lynch passing away in what felt like minutes. I was going from reading about Uecker before my friend told me about Lynch.

Andre the Giant and Bob Uecker

As a non-baseball fan, who isn't American at that, my introduction to Bob Eucker was from his brief appearances during WrestleManias back in the 1980s.

With David Lynch, well - if you go through this blog's history - you're bound to find a ton of stories about Twin Peaks and my love for the series.

Yep - my introduction to Lynch was through Twin Peaks - a series that gripped us here in the UK back in the early 1990s. 

David Lynch was brilliant. A true visionary in the art of filmmaking. 

Selfishly, upon hearing the news of his passing, I thought to myself how fortunate it was for us fans - and for David Lynch himself - for that third season of Twin Peaks to have been done back in 2017. To be fair, I have thought that a lot over the years because we've lost many of the stars from the series over the past seven plus years.

And now we have to say goodbye to one of its creators. 

David Lynch

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