Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Soon To Be Incomplete

I realised something funny today.

With the new Beverly Hills Cop film coming out tomorrow, I thought I would pick out the box set of the first three movies in the series and watch them ahead of Wednesday.

Here's what the box looks like.

Beverly Hills Cop DVD Box Set

This time tomorrow, the box set will be incomplete!

I am looking forward to seeing the fourth part. I know I'm doing so against better judgement because the third film was a let-down and I haven't really enjoyed Eddie Murphy films in a long time.

Still  - the child in me who loved the first Beverly Hills Cop, and its first sequel, is excited.

I first watched Beverly Hills Cop when it premiered on BBC 1 on Boxing Day 1988. When it was on our TVs over here, it was the 'Edited For Television' version which had limited swearing.

I was too young to care back then. I felt so robbed when I finally did see the unedited version. What was wrong with the BBC?!

After pulling out the boxset today, I've noticed the box of the first movie is still in its polythene while the other two have been opened. It has now dawned on me that I own FOUR copies of the first film.

I bought it on its own when it first came out on DVD, I also have it in two boxsets (one with a load of great Paramount movies on it and the one pictured) and the fourth edition is the crappy recorded one from 1988.

As for the second film - I believe I rented it from a local video shop. I bought a pirated copy of the third film when I visited Malta in 1994. I still have it somewhere but obviously have it in the soon to be incomplete collection.

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