Saturday, February 03, 2024

Carl Weathers

I was sorry to read that Carl Weathers passed away earlier this week.

Apollo Creed was such a bad ass heel back in the first couple of Rocky movies. Then, by the fourth, he became the sympathetic babyface who fatally lost to Ivan Drago prompting Creed's former nemesis - Rocky Balboa - to avenge the loss.

Perfect storytelling at its time.

Apollo Creed

It wasn't just Rocky, though.

Weathers starred in a number of other films I enjoyed in my childhood and above. For example, there was Predator , Happy Gilmore and Action Jackson (I had the poster for that movie on my wall!).

A much older me has also appreciated Weathers' involvement - both on and behind the screen - in the Star Wars TV universe starring in, and directing episodes of, The Mandalorian.

Another icon from my childhood gone.

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