Tuesday, January 02, 2024


This blog, and ultimately the idea of me being a blogger, can now legally drink alcohol.

Yesterday was the 18th anniversary of what has become the thing you are reading right now, I obviously had more important matters to deal with on New Year's Day, like giving you a spoiler for the year ahead, but did want to make mention of the birthday today.

I feel very old.

This blogging thing started out as something new to try in 2006. I wanted a space to share stories of my gambling (mainly poker back then) and other things. 

The experience from doing all of the above - on this very blog - allowed me to branch out into other blogs and websites. 

Thank you to anyone and everyone who has ever read a thing I've written within this milestone. 

There's more to come. Until then - here's a fitting way to close this post:

Manning 18

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