Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Beans On Toast (With A Twist) Redo

Do you recall exactly one month ago today when I published a post in which I wrote about trying Heinz's tikka flavour beans and did so by having them on Peshawari naan bread with melted cheese on top?

I mentioned in the post that my friend said I should have tried Indian cheese instead. So, here goes.

Heinz Tikka Beans on Peshwari Naan

In this redo, I once again used the Heinz tikka beans and a piece of Peshwari naan bread. The only difference is I put Paneer cheese on top instead of cheddar.

Just like last month, it worked out well. However, I didn't really think the Paneer was much of a change from the cheddar.

With that said, it seemed more 'Indian' this way than four weeks ago.

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