Wednesday, November 29, 2023


In the last two weeks, I've managed to turn my NFL Fantasy team into a winning one.

Okay, well the players I've picked for my roster did all the work, but let's not allow that to get in the way of today's narrative.

NFL Week 13 2023

As you can see above, my team is now 7-5 with three weeks left of the 'regular season' portion of games to go.

That's the good news. I guess.

The bad: I am still not in the playoff race.

Looking at the structure of the league, the team is two places away from making it to the knockout rounds.

I don't think I can afford another loss. I have to aim for 10-5. Nothing less.

You know when you have that feeling inside when you know something isn't going to work out the way you want it to? I get it a lot gambling. Well, I have it when I think of the 10-5 target.

Thankfully, the league is all for fun. But, as you can see, it does bring out some competitive spirit in me.

This week's round is a big step to the 10-5. It certainly has playoff implications. That's because I am up against the person above me in the group the league is split into. We're both on 7-5. So, someone is walking out 8-5. He should also be targeting 10 wins to close out the 'regular season' if he's following what's going on around him.

Look at his team's name as well. Nature Boys. A Ric Flair fan, it seems. To steal a line from the legend: To be the man, you've gotta beat the man. 


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