Friday, November 17, 2023

Greggs Festive Bake '23

Look what I bought with my lunch this afternoon.

Greggs Festive Bake 2023

Yes, it's my first Greggs Festive Bake of Christmas 2023.

When I added the picture to my folder, I noticed I still had the pictures of the Festive Bakes from both 2021 and 2022 beside it. This year's one looks slightly paler when contrasted with the previous two.

I'll have this for dinner tonight because everyone else is going to have one of my least favourite meals - Spaghetti Bolognese.

This wasn't the only thing I bought from Greggs today. Without giving away any too much, I also bought the bakers' Christmas baguette and I'll be writing about that, and other Christmas-themed offerings from other places, nearer (or possibly after) Christmas.

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