Friday, July 28, 2023

1995-2022 Complete!

My database is now ready for the 2023 NFL Season.

The goal was to have point-spread and totals points dating back to the 1995 season in time for this year's Kick Off. 


I feel relieved to have been able to have it ready with 41 days left until the first regular season game. 

Even though I could go back to 1992, because I have results back to that season, I felt that 1995 was a fitting place to target because that was the year the league expanded to thirty teams when Carolina and Jacksonville were introduced to the league as expansion teams.

The idea of creating a database came to me during the summer of 2020. It hasn't taken me the full three years to do it because I've taken lengthy breaks along the way. I've set targets ahead of each season and have always managed to reach those goals.

I'm not going to rule out adding the information for 1994, 1993 and 1992. However, for now, I am happy to have reached back to 1995.

Now all I have to do is hope that I can learn from history and apply any trends to my weekly wagers!

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