Thursday, July 28, 2022

Neighbours Week (Day 4): Cards

Over the past couple of days, I've written about the merchandising opportunities that arose when Neighbours became popular over here int he 1980's.

In today's post, I have another thing on my mind: Neighbours trading cards

As you can see, just like with the others things I've written about this week, there is a market for the Neighbours trading cards on eBay. 

Neighbours Trading Cards

One of the things I fondly remember from my early days at junior school are the Garbage Pail Kids trading cards which were very popular back then.

They were produced by Topps. Each packet came with a stick of bubble gum.

Years later, when Neighbours was close to its peak, Topps released Neighbours trading cards. Just like with the Garbage Pail Kids, they also became fairly popular in the playground.

But, here's the thing - they were TOO popular. I saw children with the cards in my school. However, I could never find them in any of the shops I would go to on the way back-and-forth to school each day.

The search concluded in a different country.

Yes, you read that right.

Back in late-1988, my mother took my sister over to Ireland to buy a communion dress. My mum and sister returned home from that weekend away not only with the dress, but also with packets of the Neighbours trading cards for me.

The only thing I can remember from those cards is the reverse of the one with Harold Bishop's face on it said that the actor who portrays him, Ian Smith, appeared in 'Prisoner'. 

It was around that time when Prisoner Cell Block H was airing on late-night TV over here, so I was obviously interested to find out that somebody from Neighbours was in it.

Looking at eBay, it seems that there were other editions of the Neighbours cards produced. I can only recall the ones which came in the purple packets with the pink Neighbours logo.

Just like with the sticker album, I didn't complete the collection. Not surprising considering the difficulty I faced in finding packets over here.

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