Sunday, March 17, 2019

New Flavour

I am sure I've written this in the past, but I'll repeat it just in case - I love Vanilla Coke.

It first came out over here in the UK in 2003. Back then, I wasn't too keen on it. Then.. it just vanished. A few years ago, I visited one of those online stores that sells groceries from the USA and saw Vanilla Coke on there and thought I'd give it a go.

Well.. I enjoyed it that time.

Since then, the flavour has made its way back to our shores. Both in regular Coke and in Coke Zero.

So, I bet you're probably wondering why I am going on about Vanilla Coke this morning. Well.. the reason why is because I've just found out about a flavour that has just came out over in the USA.


Orange Vanilla Coke.

Man.. I don't know if I'd like it... BUT I WANT TO TRY IT!!!

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