The first thing I really recall at the start of the year was the passing of my aunt. She died in January and was the last remaining aunt or uncle I had on my mother's side of the family.
My aunt's death made me recall some very fond childhood memories of my visits to her family. I wrote THIS POST shortly after she passed away and then I followed that up with a funnier reminiscence the following day.
2024 also saw the 25th anniversary of the passing of an aunt on the other side of my family. Olwen was like a grandmother to me, so - of course - she was surely in my thoughts on that anniversary. With that said, I am reminded of her numerous times a year. Especially now that I am a cat owner myself.
It seems that the year 1999 was on my mind a lot in '24. I wrote about the anniversary of Owen Hart's tragic accident and I even toasted the memory of drinking my first ever Bud Light by drinking my second Bud Light twenty-five years to the day later!
There was also a post dedicated to Jean Shepherd - a man I didn't know about back when he passed away in 1999 - but is someone whose work I have enjoyed following for over ten years or so.
I've always felt 1999 was an important year to me for those reasons, and many more, but it took me until 2024 to realise it was bigger than even I had thought.
The post I spent the most time on had nothing to do with 1999, though.
2024 was the year we lost Sid Eudy - a guy who was one of my favourite wrestlers as a child.
Upon hearing of Sid's passing, I knew I had a lot to write, so I spent close to a week working on the post. The timing worked out well because I was able to get the post released on the day of Sid's funeral.
It truly was an experience writing about what Sid meant to me back in the day. It opened my eyes to how much of a crazy fan I can be of pro wrestling.
What kind of a person names their goldfish 'Sid'?!
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