Monday, January 08, 2024

Black Monday '24

I've just switched the TV on to watch the NFL Network.

It's one of the most interesting days in the league year. The regular season concluded yesterday, so the team owners - of teams which didn't perform well - usually begin to prepare for next season.

That means by the relieving of head coaches' from their position.

As of right now, Arthur Smith - who coached the Atlanta Falcons - has been give the sack. His departure was announced in the early hours of this morning. 

The name I am watching to see leave his post is Bill Belichick - current head coach of the New England Patriots. 

I'm not expecting him to be 'fired', though. He has done enough for that organisation, I can see them visualise it as an amicable parting of the ways.

And it's because of that which makes me believe we might not see Belichick leave his role today. That one could be later than today.

But, we'll see

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