Monday, December 25, 2023

A Diet Of Christmas Films XVI

You should know the score by now. After all - this is the SIXTEENTH edition of A Diet of Christmas Films.

Ever since 2008, I've dedicated every Christmas Day post to sharing the list of Christmas films I've watched in the months, weeks, days - and hours - leading up to midnight on Christmas morning. 

After watching each film, I write a few words about them and then - at midnight on Christmas morning - the post goes live.

Here's everything I've watched for Christmas 2023.

Christmas in Paradise (2022)

Joanna's holiday is shattered when her sisters tell her that their dad has dumped his partner, he isn't responding to any calls and disappeared to a Caribbean island. The sisters decide to go to save their father and bring him home for Christmas

Christmas in Paradise (2022)

Christmas in Paradise is a sequel to a film I watched last year. I had looked out for it on Netflix because that is where the original came out in 2021. However, for some reason, the second in the series found its way to Amazon Prime instead.
A small handful of stars, that appeared in Father Christmas is Back, return for this follow-up set overseas. Also added to the sequel's roster is Billy Ray Cyrus whose main job was to add some musical interludes along the way in this fairly slow-yet-short film.
I preferred the original even though I felt it went OTT on the British humour. On a plus side, I didn't really notice that niggle in Christmas in Paradise.

Richard Burton's Christmas Story (1990 or 1991)

Richard Burton's Christmas Story (1990 or 1991)

Set in a Welsh mining village - Richie is disturbed by the mysterious absence of Cis - his sister-mother, and is being teased mercilessly by his friend, Trevor, about whether or not his Christmas present will be new or second-hand.

This film reminded me of Christmas stories, or films in this case, from Truman Capote. Obviously set closer to my home, though.
Speaking of being close to my home - one of the actors in this was a couple of years older than me at high school. There was someone else in the film I vaguely remember from somewhere but spent half of the film trying to recall how I did.
I'd recommend this film to anyone who enjoys period Christmas films just to see how the Welsh do them.

It's time for the other Christmas Story...

A Christmas Story (1983)

You all know the summary. It's a film I watch every single year. Although, there's a big upgrade this time.

In August, I bought a copy of the 4K Ultra HD edition of A Christmas Story. I am keen to rewatch the film with the enhanced picture, but - most importantly - with the audio commentary by the film's director, Bob Clark, and its main star - Peter Billingsley.

A Christmas Story 4K Ultra HD

Bob Clark passed away in 2007, so the commentary must have been featured on other editions of the movie. However, I hadn't heard it before this viewing.
It was really interesting to hear the insight from both director and main star as the film played. 
One of the things Bob Clark said, which stood out, concerned Jean Shepherd. Apparently, Shepherd and Steven Spielberg met for lunch to talk about a project and Spielberg got back to Clark and asked the director how he was able to get along with Shepherd. Going by that comment, it appears Spielberg and Shepherd mustn't have hit it off. Clark kind of says Shepherd wasn't for everybody and was very hands-on during the filming of this movie.
Another part of the commentary, which I already knew about but is a fascinating trivia note, is the acknowledgement that Jack Nicholson could have played the part of Ralphie's father in the film. 
Darren McGavin is brilliant in the role of 'The Old Man'. I'd love to go to the alternate world where Nicholson accepts the offer. I think it would turn into a totally different movie because Nicholson has historically been a scene stealer whenever he's cast as a supporting actor. 

The Nine Kittens of Christmas (2021)

Cat lovers Zachary and Marilee are thrown back together at Christmastime when they're tasked with finding homes for a litter of adorable kittens.

The Nine Kittens of Christmas (2021)

I recorded this film on Channel 5 when I was doing a mass recording session on the TV planner. When I finally came around to watching it, I saw 'Brandon Routh' in the title credits and then thought 'Ohhh, I've seen this one!' 
However, I continued to watch the opening few minutes and realised this is a sequel to a film I watched for the 2020 edition of A Diet of Christmas Films.
To be quite frank, I didn't recall much about The Nine Lives of Christmas but - as I continued to watch everything unfold in The Nine Kittens of Christmas - some memories flooded back. 
2020 seems like such an age ago. I wasn't a cat owner back then. I am now, so I feel I enjoyed this film more than I may have done its predecessor. 
I especially liked the kitten named Rudolph (the last kitten left in the litter) because he slightly resembles one of my cats - Oreo.
In 2020, I noted that The Nine Lives of Christmas felt rushed near its end. I kind of felt the same way about the sequel even though it did conclude on an obvious happy note.

Nine Kittens of Christmas - Final Scene

A New York Christmas Wedding (2020)

As her wedding nears, a bride-to-be is visited by an angel who reveals what could have been if she'd followed feelings for her childhood best friend

I was given only a few hours to watch this film because it was in the 'Leaving Soon' section of Netflix when I was browsing through Christmas titles.
I am glad I was able to catch it before it was taken down.
This is another one of those films where the lead character finds themself in an alternate world seeing how their life would have panned out had outside forces not caused different paths to be taken.
The childhood best friend - in this story - is another female, so - in the different life- the pair is in a same-sex relationship.
Even though this was set at Christmastime, and there is a visit from an angel, this film could have been set at any other time of year and still told the same story.
Good job I caught it when I did otherwise I would have missed out on seeing it.

A New York Christmas Wedding (2020)

Christmas Eve on Sesame Street (1978)

Big Bird worries when Oscar tells him that if Santa Claus can't fit down the chimney on Christmas Eve, no one will get presents

Christmas Eve on Sesame Street (1978)

This TV special from the late-70s was a YouTube recommendation. As soon as I saw it listed, I knew I had to add it to my list for 2023.
I used to watch Sesame Street a fair bit back in my childhood. It was cool to see this special for what I believe to be the first time.
One of the funny parts of this was the beginning because they had the characters ice skating. They had real skaters dressed in costumes of the characters. It seemed quite silly because, when the 'film' returned to Sesame Street they had reverted back to their original size.
Big Bird was the only one to stay the same size, for obvious reasons.

Christmas Sail (2021)

Liz receives a call for help from her father to return home for Christmas and she wants to create a whimsical Christmas celebration

This was a charming film set in a seaside town. It uses an old school narrative of a person who has moved away finding a reason of some sort to return home for the holiday and becoming reacquainted with a childhood crush.
Yes - it is a Hallmark Movie!
It should go without saying it all ends happily ever after.  

Christmas Sail (2021)

A Beverly Hills Christmas (1987)

An evening of Christmas music from stars living in Beverly Hills, California

A Beverly Hills Christmas (1987)

This wasn't a film or movie. It was a TV special which aired from the church James Stewart was a parishioner of. He had a bunch of friends help with singing and reciting of stories. For example, Burt Reynolds and Stewart reciting Twas the Night Before Christmas to the congregation.
Lucille Ball, Walter Matthau, George Burns, Bobby McFerrin and even Alisan Porter (the girl from Curly Sue before she starred in that film) are some of the other people who appear in this.

The Claus Family 3 (2022)

The Claus Family 3 (2022)

When the delivery of presents goes wrong and Grandpa Noel gets into trouble, siblings - Jules and Noor - must work together to save Christmas. Can they do it?

It's a family Christmas movie, of course they can do it.
I watched the first two films in this series last year, so it was cool to see the third part appear on Netflix's list this year.
All of the major characters from the first and second movies return for this one. The youngest member of the cast has a more significant role with Grandpa Noel's granddaughter assisting Noel and Jules in preparing for their roles as Santa Claus.
I have become quite attached to these films. I hope there are more.

Jingle Around the Clock (2018)

Elle's plans for a Christmas reunion are thwarted by work. In order to get a career-altering promotion, she's forced to team up with advertising campaign 'fixer' Max, who has a completely different take on the holidays

I don't know about Max having a 'completely different take on the holidays' per the summary that is written on IMDB. Max and Elle's 'clash' came by their different take on how the products they were creating advertisements for should be promoted. 
This was another Hallmark movie. Very predictable in a lot of places, but.. isn't that the norm?!

Jingle Around the Clock (2018)

A Christmas Karen (2022)

Karen is an entitled middle-aged woman whose demanding natures has alienated her neighbours and family. After a series of instances displaying her privilege and prejudice, Karen receives an 'intervention' by some unconventional spirits. 

A Christmas Karen (2022)

This was the first film which uses the plot of A Christmas Carol I watched in 2023. Whether it's the only one remains to be seen (read below and find out).
A Christmas Karen had its funny moments, to be fair. I laughed out loud at some parts especially in the scenes after the four ghostly visits when Karen is trying to make peace with everyone.

Best. Christmas. Ever! (2023)

Snowbound at her frenemy's swanky house days before Christmas, Charlotte decides to do a little snooping. Guess who's about to make Santa's naughty list?

I believe the 'summary' does not do this film justice. At all. 
I would have written something like this 'Snowbound at her frenemy's swanky house days before Christmas, Charlotte learns the true meaning of friendship and hope'. 
This was one of the best films I've watched so far. It might have even brought a little tear to my eye at certain points even though I saw the little clues a mile off (if you've seen Planes, Trains and Automobiles, you may notice them as well).
Double thumbs up for this Netflix film.

Best. Christmas. Ever! (2023)

Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)

Okay, I know - Planes, Trains and Automobiles is not a Christmas movie. BUT.. I chose to watch it over Thanksgiving in-between running this Christmas movie marathon.
If I have calculated this correctly, 2023 is the 35th anniversary of when I first watched this John Hughes classic. I've seen it many, many times since.
Next year will also be the thirtieth anniversary of when the world lost John Candy, so I think it's even more appropriate to include Planes, Trains and Automobiles in my festive viewing.
I love this film so much. 

Planes, Trains and Automobiles VHS

Click and Collect (2018)

In order to redeem himself as a dad, a man and his overly friendly neighbour go on a cross-country road trip to pick up his daughter's Christmas present

Click and Collect (2018)

I'm not a fan of Stephen Merchant, but Click and Collect popped up on Netflix and - seeing as it's less than an hour long - I thought I'd give it a try.
It turned out to be a good decision. I was entertained. There are a few similarities to Jingle All The Way and even a bit of Planes, Trains and Automobiles in this. 

Violent Night (2022)

Violent Night (2022)
When a group of mercenaries attack the estate of a wealthy family, Santa Claus must step in to save the day (and Christmas)

This isn't for everyone. As for me -  I thought it was a brilliant 'Christmas Film' because it was so out there and.. violent. Think Die Hard crossed with Santa Claus: The Movie but then sprinkle a bit of Santa Claus Conquers The Martians (but replace the Martians with mercenaries in this case) and you have Violent Night.
You do kind of have to throw in a little bit of First Blood into the mix as well, to be fair.
It's a fun film, but - like I said - it isn't your conventional 'Christmas Film' and that is what makes it appealing.

Candy Cane Lane (2023)

A man is determined to win the neighbourhood's annual Christmas decorating contest. He makes a pact with an elf to help him win and the elf casts a spell that brings the 12 Days of Christmas to life, which brings unexpected chaos to town

As soon as I saw the movie poster, I instantly added Candy Cane Lane to my 'to be watched' list for this year.
I used to enjoy Eddie Murphy movies back during his peak, but have not been keen on anything beyond The Nutty Professor, so I didn't have high expectations.
Well - it turned out better than okay. 
Candy Cane Lane is very enjoyable. It might have dragged a little bit at the end, but - other than that - I thought it was brilliant. 
As an aside, of sorts, the animation of the toys in this film made me clamour - once more - for a movie based on The Toymakers by Robert Dinsdale. I know that book could make it to the big screen. The way the animation works Candy Cane Lane would be how I'd expect it to come across in The Toymakers. If you've read the book you'll get what I mean.

Candy Cane Lane (2022)

The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday (2023)

To keep their annual Holiday Heist-acular afloat, Mr. Fox and his crew of animal outlaws will have to restore the whole city's Christmas spirit - fast!

The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday (2023)

To quote a line from a Christmas movie - 'I'm too old for this sh*t'.
The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday is perfect for children, though!

And yes, I consider Lethal Weapon a Christmas movie because 'Jingle Bell Rock' is the opening song!

A Very Nutty Christmas (2018)

After getting dumped by her boyfriend, a bakery owner receives a special gift that turns her Christmas season around

I really enjoyed this one. 
Melissa Joan Hart plays the main character who ends up with a living Nutcracker as a house guest in the days leading into Christmas. 
I felt quite sad near the end when it was time for the Nutcracker to turn back into its wooden entity. 

A Very Nutty Christmas (2018)

Dashing Through The Snow (2023)

Disney's Dashing Through The Snow (2023)

A good-hearted man who has lost his faith in Christmas befriends a mysterious character named Nick

This was very entertaining. Another one when I had the warm fuzzy feeling at the end when Eddie finally realises that Nick really is Santa Claus and eases a thirty-year long unease with anything and everything associated with Christmastime.

It is at this point in the marathon when one of my cats - Squeak - passed away. I initially decided to halt watching Christmas films because - to be frank - I wasn't in the mood to do so. However, I had a plan on how I wanted to finish this year's edition off and decided to see it through to a conclusion even though I wasn't really feeling it. 

Your Christmas Or Mine? 2 (2023)

James father had invited Hayley's family to spend Christmas in a luxury ski resort in the Austrian Alps so that they can meet his new American girlfriend. However, after a mix-up at the airport, the two families end up at each other's accommodations on different sides of a valley and opposite ends of the TripAdvisor rating scale. Can Hayley and James' relationship survive another turbulent Christmas?

Your Christmas Or Mine? 2

I watched the first 'Your Christmas Or Mine?' last year, and wanted to see the sequel. Looking back at what I wrote last year, I stated that I laughed out loud at some bits. I found myself having a chuckle at some of the parts in this one as well. I wouldn't say the second film is worse than the first. I guess I'd go so far as to say they're equal. I would, however, recommend watching them back-to-back and not waiting a year in-between viewing each instalment. 
There was a tease, late in the movie, which could be read as a hint of a third film possibly set where the Taylors originate from. 

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

I've watched The Muppet Christmas Carol many times. I have even watched it for A Diet of Christmas Films.
Some of my family members watch this film every Christmas Eve, and I joined them this year.

Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983)

The classic Disney animated characters play the roles in this animated retelling of the Charles Dickens masterpiece

Walt Disney's Jungle Book plus Mickey's Christmas Carol Double Bill

I watched Mickey's Christmas Carol in a previous edition of A Diet of Christmas Films. However, I wanted it to be the 'main event' of this year's viewing because 2023 is the fortieth anniversary of when I watched this film in a cinema.
It would have been around this time of year (obviously) when I went to see Mickey's Christmas Carol with my mother. However, it wasn't the reason why I went to the cinema. 
Back in '83, Mickey's Christmas Carol was the opening act - if you will - to The Jungle Book. I didn't know I was seeing TWO films on that visit. 
Considering how young I was back in '83, this was - without a doubt - one of the first films I had ever gone to see at the movies. Return of the Jedi would have been the first film, but Mickey's Christmas Carol could very well have been the second!
I'm sure it was the first film I watched at the cinema with my mother.
It's only fitting that this is the final film of this year's marathon. After all - Mickey's Christmas Carol was my introduction to the Dickens story and Christmas movies in general. It has a right to be this year's main eventer!

And that's all for this year's marathon. I am a little disappointed in not getting everything I had recorded or planned to watch. With that said, I am happy I have been able to finish this year's list with the film I wanted to close out with.

The films I didn't get to will always be there next year. And beyond.

Merry Christmas!

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