Thursday, April 07, 2022

The Wait

I thought I'd waste a bit of a scammer's time yesterday morning. The joke kind of ended up on me in the long run, though.

The call came in at 8:58AM on a landline number I rarely get calls from. The person on the other end introduced himself as an employee of Microsoft and then proceeded to tell me the story about my PC being compromised.

I was planning to head for a shower before the call interrupted my routine. When he got to the point where I was asked to switch on my computer, I had no idea where I was going to take him.

'I have to go get my laptop,' I lied. 'I'll be back in a moment.'
'Okay, take your sweet time.'

Sweet time? As soon those two words were uttered, I knew what was going to happen.

I put the receiver down on the desk and went for my shower. He did tell me to take my time after all.

I ultimately forgot that the phone was off the hook for most of the day. It wasn't until almost 4:40PM when I remembered.

Let's be realistic, he likely waited only a few minutes before giving up. However, I hope it saved someone from the con.

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