Tuesday, July 12, 2022


I bought a box of Serendippity Peanut Butter Stix with one of my previous Costco orders.

Serendippity Box

They are sticks, with peanut butter inside them. Each package comes with some raspberry jam to dip the sticks in.


Serendippity Opened

As you can see, the jam was not just your run-of-the-mill jam. It looked posher than regular raspberry jam you would find with other products (think doughnuts).

The only complaint I have is the sticks were fairly brittle. My first 'dip' saw the stick break off inside the jam.

Serendippity Dipped

The packaging states that it's 'Made in Greece'. I don't know how popular it is over there. All I know is I hadn't heard of it until I saw them for sale on the Costco website.

Now that I have sampled a few packets after my initial test, I have to answer the obvious question.

Do I like Serendippity? Yes, I do. Would I buy them again? I doubt it.

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