Sunday, August 18, 2019

How Newspapers Should Really Do The 'An Apology' Thing

I have just been looking through the a newspaper's website and came across - right near the bottom of the page - an article with an apology to a person.

I didn't bother reading it, but I assume the paper had written a story that alleged something untrue and the paper was forced to issue an apology to the person - or persons - it wrote about.

This happens now and again, but there's something that irks me about the entire thing.

The apologies - whenever they're published - are hidden away. Oh, they for sure can be seen, but only if you dive deep inside the content.

I believe the fairer way for these apologies to be made is for them to be made on the same page - or position of the website - where the initial story was published.

So - for example - if a story is printed on page seven, the apology should be issued on page seven.

Same goes for front page stories.

Maybe it's me, but that would be the best way to put a newspaper to task for writing stories that lead to apologies down the road.

It's all well and good delivering the apology, but what use is it if a portion of the readers don't see it?

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