Monday, December 26, 2011


So, that's another Christmas Day over with.

And it's another Boxing Day post simply titled 'Yesterday'.

It was a relatively quiet Christmas here this year as my sister, her boyfriend and my two nephews came over for only a couple of hours and then went off to the other side of the family for dinner.

The kids got everything they wanted so it was a success all around.

I was given a Monopoly board that I had asked for.

A few weeks ago, my nephew brought his game over here and I spent a few hours playing it with him. As I was the banker and had the responsibility of counting the money, I said to him that 'We would have been better off playing this on a computer so we don't need a banker counting the money out and consuming time.' He responded by telling me there were electronic Monopoly boards in the shops.

From that very moment, I wanted one.

I've yet to play it but the idea seems cool. You get credit cards and have to use a machine which looks like one of those handheld credit card machines you see in restaurants and the monies are added and subtracted using the device.

Monopoly for the 21st Century.

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