Monday, April 15, 2013

Titanic 101

At the exact time this blog gets posted, it will be the 101th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.

I had a lot of documentaries left over from the centenary remembrance so have spent the past year getting through them.

As I noted last year - I have held a passive interest in the Titanic ever since I read a book about her in the summer of 1995. I'm not a crazy enthusiast like some of the people out there. I tend to read or watch things about the ship and then spend years not doing that.

Bottom line - it is an interesting topic to return to now and again.

And I've done a lot of that since last year.

One of the documentaries I have watched included something that was thought provoking. It came from James Cameron - the Oscar winning director who has made many expeditions to the Titanic's wreck - and it involved how more people could have been saved on that fateful night.

He suggested that one way of rescuing the passengers was to have them disembark the ship and onto an iceberg to wait for help to arrive. He also went so far as to suggest the crew could have reversed the ship and head towards the S.S. Californian that was in the distance but did not notice that the Titanic was in distress.

I don't know whether over two thousand warm bodies on an iceberg or reversing a sinking ship would have helped.

Still, it's something worth thinking about.

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